In recent years, fan fiction has become increasingly popular across the world. While it has been around for decades, it is likely that the widespread use of the internet has sparked a new generation of fan fiction. It is now easier to create, distribute, and gain exposure with fan fiction, and children and adults alike are participating in the popular trend. But what is fan fiction, and how can you create your own?
What is Fan Fiction?
Fan fiction is a work of fiction that uses characters and settings from original fictional books, movies, TV series, or other forms of entertainment. It is usually created by fans of the original series, and may include new storylines, introductory characters, and even universes. Some fan fiction combines characters and elements of multiple different series – this is known as crossover fan fiction. This means that somebody could create a fan fiction that has Chewbacca hanging out with Bart Simpson at a restaurant run by Buzz Lightyear on Sesame Street! The limits are truly endless when it comes to fan fiction.
Fan fiction became popular in Japan in the early 1960s and has since been a hobby for many enthusiasts. Because it is easier to find communities these days, the popularity of fan fiction has taken off in recent years. There are websites, YouTube channels, message boards, and forums dedicated to a wide array of fan fiction genres. While some people may find this to be geeky or awkward, the people involved very much enjoy creating, exchanging, and discussing all sorts of fan fiction.
Famous Fan Fiction Authors
Fan fiction doesn’t always have to be created by anonymous fans on the internet. Many prominent writers have actually created fan fiction of their own. Neil Gaiman, award winning author of American Gods, has written fan fiction about Narnia, Sherlock Holmes, and Chtulhu. Meg Cabot, who wrote The Princess Diaries, claims that she used to write Star Wars fan fiction when she was growing up and that it helped make her the author that she is today.
How to Write Fan Fiction
What’s great about fan fiction is that there aren’t necessarily any rules when it comes to writing it (unless, of course, you plan on getting it published!) If you have a favorite book, movie, or television show, you can start by singling out your favorite characters. Come up with a potential storyline involving them. It doesn’t have to be realistic or even make sense in the context of the show. You can take a regular show that takes on Earth, and send it into the Star Trek universe if you desire.
The most important part of writing a successful fan fiction is to be creative and come up with unique ideas. Much like any other story, it should have character development, a conflict and a resolution, and a ton of fun situations along the way! Fan fiction is an excellent writing exercise because we aren’t necessarily required to create new characters, but we can use their existing properties to tell a brand new story.